The V Spot: Vegan Podcast
Episode Archive
Episode Archive
161 episodes of The V Spot: Vegan Podcast since the first episode, which aired on November 10th, 2017.
Wizard Burger
September 2nd, 2020 | 21 mins 30 secs
Hi friends! The V Spot is going to take Labor Day in the US off, but we didn't want to leave you all alone without your best pod-friends. So this week we have a quick review of a new burger place we tried out and some general shenanigans. Next week we have an interview for you to enjoy that we have already recorded. See, vacation week without a break! Because we love you.
Episode 124: You Can Still Eat Food
August 24th, 2020 | 45 mins 32 secs
It's so hot out today. It's really a lot. Everything is a lot isn't it? It's a heavier one this week, so go get an ice cream or some mochi, and appreciate the different cultures they come from. We talk about cultural foods, including labeling everything 'vegan' when it's vegan friendly. And hey remember how Black lives still matter and we shouldn't need a reminder of that? Apparently we do.
Episode 123: Macaroni in a Pot
August 19th, 2020 | 1 hr 17 mins
We go places this time. I'll just give you the topics: WAP, pets, reproductive rights, and Kamala Harris. And as usual we wrap it all up with food. If you've got any hang ups regarding any of the mentioned topics... this one might not be great for you.
Episode 122: Quack Like a Chicken
August 10th, 2020 | 1 hr 1 min
This one gets off to a great start. Dani and Katt think it's going to be a boring episode, but little do they know we get sucked into THE GHOST DIMENSION! Also we talk good v. bad customer service, a bunch of food we wish we had, longing for travel, and Gus gets chatty with his socky.
Episode 121: The One Where Everyone is Sweaty
August 4th, 2020 | 49 mins 46 secs
Time to get back to basics and do some vegan news! We hit our core competencies and find some good articles from the friends at Veg News. Some vegan controversy gets discussed, what different 'hellos' mean, new vegan product corner, and much more! And our kitty cats make a guest appearance as Gus cries about his socks.
Episode 120: Tummy Time for Sandy
July 20th, 2020 | 1 hr 1 min
This one's all over the place. We do talk a little about vegan things and we talk about babies and how to wear a mask. There a lot of topics and a lot of skillful transitions.
Uncle Wiggly
July 13th, 2020 | 55 mins 14 secs
Today's episode is brought to you by Ikea. Main topics today are food, Ikea, some justice in the world, Hamilton, Ikea and Katt's new album dropping next year. It's kind of a weird one today.
Those Pillow Boys
June 26th, 2020 | 55 mins 22 secs
Here's the quick liner notes for this one - you can be vegan and care about other stuff, multiple causes matter, but not all causes need the same attention at the same times. Be kind, don't be a dick, and just give a damn.
Love Language
June 12th, 2020 | 1 hr 2 mins
It's kind of a fitting title this week, not just silliness. We took a break last week, but we're back trying to help in whatever way we can. We talk Black Lives Matter and everything happening here in the US, and we dunk on JK Rowling for a bit because she decided to remind us she sucks. It's a vegan-ish episode for sure, but at the heart of it, we're just talking about compassion and being kind to each other.
Halloumi Houdini, Whatever
May 29th, 2020 | 1 hr 12 mins
It's a three way podcast this week with hosts Dani and Andy and their special guest, Katt! We run through the 7 deadly sins and relate it to stupid quarantine stuff, we talk some TV and tropes including why we love garbage men who are kind of charming and then we talk the incident in Central Park that happened this week. It should probably be said we recorded Wednesday and everything hadn't happened yet in Minneapolis. With all that in mind: TRIGGER WARNING
Checking in with Uncle Jesse
May 22nd, 2020 | 1 hr 15 mins
Uncle Jesse is our friend, who is a vegan, and isn't our uncle or anyone else's for that matter. It's also not John Stamos. Jesse was Dani and the Silent Producers wedding planner and all of our long time friend! So in our continuing series of quarantine check ins, we see how things are going down state, talk about grapefruit, weddings, and take some trips down memory lane. If you've ever felt like you were just in the room listening to friends talk when you've got us on, this one's a whole other level.
Vegan Chub Club
May 16th, 2020 | 57 mins 35 secs
What?! Another episode! Since we took long to get you the last one, we decided you've all earned a double. This one is a podcast crossover collab! We've got Miranda from the Vegan Chub Club on to tell her vegan story, how she got into the podcast world and see how she's coping with the quarantine in Denver.
Going to Twilight in Full Vamp
May 15th, 2020 | 1 hr 14 mins
Sorry this episode has taken so long to get to your ears friends, it was a really rough one on Silent Producer Andy. So with that said, sorry for the sometimes dicey audio quality, he'll do better.
Anyway, this week we are keeping the chatting with friends trend alive and talking to Robert who is surviving down in ground zero NYC. The whole reason we took the time to edit this one and not scrap it is Robert is smart and funny as all get out. So enjoy! -
The Jack White Appreciation Hour
April 25th, 2020 | 1 hr 2 mins
This week we are surviving with another friend - Jordan from California! He can Katt go way back, so we get some history, some politics, some Moby and most importantly a little Jack White Appreciation.
Ding Dong Ditch Your Friends
April 17th, 2020 | 1 hr 8 mins
Continuing in our best friend quarantine series, we went out and found Mikaela this week! She's one of Katt's longest known friends and shock a vegan. Of course we talk some existential dread and also how all our vegan food stocks are getting eaten up by those non-vegans! Pasta and bean ain't so bad now huh Karen!
Your Luxury Bunker
April 10th, 2020 | 1 hr 18 mins
What would your luxury doomsday bunker look like? What would you fill it with? Would it be blankets and saltines? One thing we definitely wouldn't have are buckets of food and Joe Exotic. Our friend KC joins us from North Carolina to really dig into the bunker life and talk some more about the train wreck that is Tiger King.